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Trying to figure out what's next for your career?
It's time to look at your job search in a whole new way...

The BE REAL Career Guidance System is the simple secret to CAREER BLISS…

Be Real: The Simple Secret to the Perfect Job For You! How to find a career that's right for you, know your perfect job, perfect career, get career advice + guidance, career coaching in an eBook.

because it answers that deep question
"what career is right for me?" by showing you how to...

  • finally answer the question of why you seem to always end up unsatisfied with your job
  • figure out what you really want to be when you grow up… whether you're 16 or 60
  • reveal your own checklist of the things in a job that make the difference between career misery and career bliss
  • carve out a whole new career direction or side hustle with confidence
  • dive into a more productive, laser-focused job search that produces results better than you ever thought possible
  • energize a stalled or dead-end job search and get you back into action feeling like a whole new person
  • outshine your competition because your new focus and enthusiasm make you shine like a superstar in interviews
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BE REAL: The Simple Secret to the Perfect Job for You!
Reg Price: $27 For a Limited Time Get Your Copy for only $17

Have you ever met someone who absolutely loves their job,
and felt envious as you wondered what their secret is?

It seems like they've got something extra, some little magic that lets them love their work in a way you never feel inspired to. Sometimes their job doesn't even seem that great to the outside observer, but for some mysterious reason it WORKS for them. They genuinely LOVE their job and so they are fulfilled, satisfied, happy. What do they know that you don't know?

I'll give you a hint… they've tapped into the little things that make them happy, and have found the job that gives them those things every day. They found the perfect job for them… and I'm here to help you find the perfect job for you.

Understanding YOUR Perfect Job is the Difference
between Career Blah and Career AWESOME!

YOUR perfect job...

  • makes you wake up looking forward to your day because you genuinely enjoy your work
  • naturally plays to your strengths, talents and skills so you're always at the top of your game
  • keeps you engaged and interested so you're in "the zone," time flies and you're not watching the clock all day
  • gives you just enough challenge and new things to learn so you can grow without being overwhelmed
  • makes you proud and excited about how you earn a living so you love when people ask "what do you do?"
  • lets you BE REAL and succeed without pretending to be something you're not, settling for less than you deserve, or having to do things you hate or you're just not good at
  • lets you build your career to fit the life you want to have instead having to build your life around your job

Sounds great, right?
Of course, the perfect job is different for everyone...

One person's dream job is another person's nightmare. There are no one-size-fits-all jobs out there.

I want you to know that you are not alone in your quest to find the perfect job for you. In fact, it's not at all unusual to feel stuck, confused, frustrated or lost as you try to make your next career move. Job hunting and career decisions are tough, and a lot of people make it even harder because they skip the most important part of every job search… knowing YOUR perfect job.

"I was in the completely wrong job... working with you helped me flush out my greatest strengths and passions and helped steer me back in the right direction.

Thanks for making it fun. "

Kristin Slye
Founder, Slye Marketing

Why Will the BE REAL Career Guidance System Change Your Life?

... because BE REAL is the road map to your perfect job...

It’s the key that will work magic on your career,
and get you a better job faster...

BE REAL starts with you... and gives YOU the power in your career.

It turns "where do I go from here?" into "I LOVE my job!"

The BE REAL Career Guidance System lays the foundation for your job search (resumes, cover letters and all that stuff), and it gives you a whole new clarity about the job you really want to go after (which is probably not what you think).

BE REAL changes the whole experience of looking for a job… and in the process, it changes how you look at jobs… and that changes the course of your career… and that changes the course of your life.

YES... the BE REAL System really is that big...

but just because it’s powerful doesn’t mean it’s difficult,
takes a long time or costs a lot of money...

In fact it's easy, fast and fits any budget... and you don’t even need to go meditate in a cave or take a vow of silence for this inner quest to reach career enlightenment. All you have to do is think about you… connect a few dots… and voila... you have a vision and a plan that changes everything.

So... How Does This Amazing BE REAL System Work?

It transforms your career confusion into career confidence...

Have I mentioned that it's REALLY easy?

All you do is answer some simple questions that will reveal
exactly what you really want out of your life and your career,
(and you may be surprised by what you learn)

You are unique and what makes you thrive is different than anyone else, and only the BE REAL System will reveal exactly what that is. You learn what types of jobs and careers will feed your soul instead of sucking the life out of you.

You get specific about what you do – and definitely don't – want, down to the small details that make a big difference.

"Leslie, Your process helped me distinguish the kinds of things that are really the most important to me in a work situation in a way I never could have arrived at myself.

I've been at my job for almost five years now, and not only is it the longest job I've ever had, it's also the best!

Even today, I find myself digging up those exercises in my mind and getting some new insight about whatever I'm sorting through. Thank you for sharing this work with the world."

Ian Rhett
CEO, Songwriter/Activist

BE REAL: The Simple Secret to Knowing the Perfect Job for You
is the Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Career Guide

It's all about you. You know what you really want, deep down. You just need some guidance...

Forget expensive aptitude and interest tests.
Forget thick books packed with charts and graphs
and tests that take forever and leave you as confused as before...

Forget career experts who only want to tell you how to write a resume, and who skip right over the "how to know what kind of job you should look for" step.

It's all about you. You know what you really want, deep down. You just need some guidance in how to tap into it, and put it into words.

The BE REAL System is based on the simple (but powerful) questions I've developed and refined in my years as a career coach and mentor, working with thousands of people as they make their next career choice.

It's a lot like being with me in one of my workshops,
or working with me as a coaching client...

only you don't have to go anywhere, it's easy on the wallet,
and you can do it at your own pace.

I lead you step by step, in plain simple English, just like I'm talking to you now, as you look at where you are in life and at what's working and what's not, and you get a clear picture of the life you dream of having, what makes you happy, and what you love to do.

Like I said, it's so easy. It's all about you, and all you have to do is read a little, think a lot, and write stuff down.

It's so simple, but incredibly powerful...

"You helped me see my job change as an opportunity instead of a problem and helped me stay focused on the possibility of creating a great job instead of just finding another mediocre place to work. "

Joe Meree
Software Engineer

"I was 32, the savings were dwindling, the economy sucked, and I had no idea what to do with my life.

Your approach prodded into the core of me, challenging me to face my future. Now I'm finishing graduate school with a refined sense of purpose and direction. You were instrumental in my discovery. "

Peter Sandifer

The biggest aha moments will come when you discover some of your very personal patterns...
things that you've never noticed before

... and suddenly you see with crystal clarity what you want out of your next job.

  • You finally understand why you struggled with one boss but thrived with another, so now you know what to watch for as you choose your next boss.
  • You remember a passion you set aside, or a forgotten talent, and you get inspired to capture your dreams again.
  • You get back in touch with your personal values, so you can find companies and work situations that are in alignment with them.
  • You have a clear vision for the life you really want, and you see what the next step is to get onto that path.
  • You regain faith that you can have a job that fits your life, rather than continuing to make your life fit your job.

You will think, remember and imagine your ideal career
until you can see it clear as day: the perfect job for you...

And… by the way… when I say "you,"
I'm talking about the REAL you...

the AMAZING you who deserves to LOVE your job...

I'm not talking about that part of you that goes to work just for the paycheck and is willing to settle because you think you're lucky just to have a job. I know that's not who you really are. I'm also not talking about the part of you that pretends to be something you're not just to get (or keep) a job you don't even like. That's not who you really are either.

The person I'm talking about is the full-on, 360-degree, talented, full-of-dreams you…. the totally awesome you who rocks the world every time you do the things you love to do… the amazing you who deserves a great career and a great life to go with it.

That's the REAL you. Got it?
Now that we're clear on that…

Here's what I want you to know …
If you are feeling stuck, confused, frustrated or lost
in your job search or career path, it's BE REAL time RIGHT NOW

As an executive recruiter and job search coach, I've talked to thousands of people who are struggling in their job search. They are paralyzed… clueless… worried… anxious… feeling like failures. Almost without exception, the people who are struggling haven't invested any time in figuring out what they want next.

They're winging it, and don't really have a plan, and that's the problem.

A career is a journey, and if you want to get somewhere,
you need to have an idea of where you want to go...

And yet most people spend more time planning their two-week vacation than they do their career over the next ten or twenty years. How crazy is that?

When it comes to making a career move, most people skip right past the important inner what-do-I-really-want step and dive right into their job search. They set off a flurry of resumes, ramp up the networking, submit applications online and hope to get interviews… but nothing happens.

This is the dilemma: without a clear picture of what you want, you can’t be focused or excited about what’s next. And people who aren’t focused and excited aren’t likely to get hired.

If you don’t have a clear vision, your resumes miss the mark, you waste time applying to the wrong jobs, and when you get the interview, you don’t get the offer. Without a vision and a map, you’re lost.

Here’s the worst part of diving into a job search
without doing the BE REAL System first…

…even if you totally ace the whole thing and have the best resume on the planet… and deliver it with the most irresistible cover note ever written… and you're brilliant and charming at the interview… and they love you so much they offer you the job on the spot…

…even then… if you take that job… before you know it, you’re going to be unhappy and ready for a change again.

How can I be so sure? Because (and sorry for shouting, but…)


I’ve been a recruiter and career mentor for decades, and I've coached over 10,000 people. I know the fastest path to unhappiness in life is to be in the wrong job. There is NOTHING sadder than talking to someone who has been settling for a lifetime of WRONG jobs... and it doesn't have to be that way!

That’s why I wrote BE REAL: The Simple Secret to Knowing the Perfect Job for You... to take you by the hand and put you back on course to your perfect job… to help you create your own custom checklist for what you should be looking for now, if you want the career and life that you crave deep down.

So do yourself a favor...

before you send out one more resume, write one more cover note
or go on one more dead-end interview, get ready to BE REAL
and know YOUR perfect job...

Are YOU Ready to Get Your Career Mojo Back?
Let's Get Started...

your journey to career enlightenment begins right now...

When you get BE REAL: The Simple Secret to Your Perfect Job eBook, you'll receive...

  • An easy-to-follow, self-paced, anytime, anywhere, career guidance system that walks you through the simple questions that will reveal your perfect job
  • 23 heart-of-the-matter chapters chock-full of insight, tips, advice and easy and powerful exercises developed over decades of career coaching and recruiting
  • BONUS: Be Real Companion Workbook pdf with full-size printable pages to help bring your new career vision to life
  • BONUS: A Copy of my eBook 101 Job Search Secrets so that once you're clear, motivated and confident, you'll have an edge in your job search
  • MY PERSONAL 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: I'm so confident in the magic of my system that if BE REAL doesn't get you back on track to your perfect job, I'll give you your money back

BE REAL will lead you to the career clarity, confidence and focus that you've always desired!
You'll be kicking yourself for not doing this sooner...
and remember...

my personal guarantee means you have nothing to lose
and your whole career to gain...
Be Real, The Simple Secret to Your Perfect Job, Get Started Right Now!

Imagine yourself feeling confident,
focused, in-control and full of purpose in your career path...

The investment is just $27 $17! Career assessments can cost up to $1,000,
career seminars can cost hundreds PLUS travel expenses... for a lot of people that's simply not in the budget.

That's why I wrote BE REAL... to create a do-it-yourself
career guide that brings out the REAL you
so that ANYONE can benefit from the power of
life-changing career guidance from the Real Job Guru.

Stop selling yourself short and don't waste one more precious day of your life. Do this now.
You can know the secret of your perfect job... and it all starts today with your instant download of
BE REAL: The Simple Secret to Knowing the Perfect Job for You...

Be Real, The Simple Secret to Your Perfect Job, Get Started Right Now!

What have you got to lose...

This is your chance to finally get on the RIGHT career track...

Here are some common questions about the BE REAL ultimate career guidance system...

Q. Is it REALLY worth it?

What's your career happiness worth to you? People spend more time during the week at work than they do with their families, so why the heck wouldn't you want to spend that time in a way that is totally satisfying and a source of pride? Some people spend THOUSANDS of dollars on career aptitude tests and seminars, but BE REAL was designed to be a do-it-yourself and streamlined system, so you can get the same career enlightement for a fraction of the cost... seriously, you probably spent more on coffee last month! Plus you can test-drive the system without any commitment because there is a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Q. What exactly do I get?


  • An easy-to-follow, self-paced, anytime, anywhere, career guidance system that walks you through the simple questions that will reveal your perfect job
  • 23 heart-of-the-matter chapters chock-full of insight, tips, advice and easy and powerful exercises developed over decades of career coaching and recruiting
  • BONUS: Be Real Companion Workbook pdf with full-size printable pages to bring your new career vision to life
  • BONUS: A Copy of my eBook 101 Job Search Secrets so that once you're clear, motivated and confident, you'll have an edge in your job search
  • MY PERSONAL 60-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: I'm so confident in the magic of my system that if BE REAL doesn't get you back on track to your perfect job, I'll give you your money back

That's a total of $54 dollars worth of material for only $27 $17 for a LIMITED TIME.

Q. How is the material delivered to me?

The Be Real eBook, companion full-size workbook and 2 bonus eBooks will all be delivered to you by email. After you place your order you will get an email with a link to download your eBooks instantly. No logins or passwords necessary.

Q. How does the money-back guarantee work?

Simple. Just send me an email anytime within 60 days of purchase and I'll refund all of your money back. But, once you see the system and bonuses, I think that there's no chance you're going to want a refund.

Don't sell yourself short...
your're worth it... you deserve your perfect job...
Be Real, The Simple Secret to Your Perfect Job, Get Started Right Now!

Meet Your Career Coach Leslie Ayres, The REAL Job Guru

Leslie Ayres, The REAL Job Guru

Leslie Ayres is a leading authority on careers and job searches. With more than 30 years as an executive recruiter, resume expert and job search coach, she's been an inspiring speaker and job search guide to more than 10,000 job seekers from college students to CEOs.

The featured career blogger on NBC's website Work Goes Strong, Leslie is author of several books on knowing and getting the job you want. "Be real" is her personal philosophy, which she shares in writing as well as her active speaking schedule, coaching programs and executive search practice.

Learn more about me at

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